The Benefits of Mechanical Watches for Healthcare Professionals

Mechanical Watch

Why a Mechanical Watch?

Isn't my phone good enough? Simply put, no, your phone is NOT good enough. Why invest in a Good watch? If you work at the hospital, your hand is constantly being washed before and after procedures. Can you imagine the amount of germs you can be transferring to your phone every time you touch it to check the time or date! Additionally, I'm sure you simply do not have the time or energy to be sanitizing your phone during an entire 8-12 hour shift. Who has all that extra time, and who wants the added responsibility? So, let's get into Why invest in a Good Watch?

I. Digital vs Mechanical Watch

My Baby G Mechanical Watch

I decided to purchase a mechanical watch (Baby G) which is also waterproof (more on that later) because I did not want the added responsibility of charging yet another device. I already have my phone, MacBook, iPad, AirPods, Kobo e-book reader... How much more do I need! Other reasons why I decided to go with a mechanical piece include:

1. Natural disaster 🌪 ☔️ - I thought about a potential natural disaster such as a hurricane (as I do currently reside in Trinidad and Tobago) and the benefit of owning a mechanical timekeeper.

2. Safety 🦺 - With a mechanical time piece, I don't have the patient's or other prying eyes.

3. Cost 💸 💷 - the cost of a mechanical watch is relatively cheaper compared to digital watches, bar the expensive brands we know and love?!

4. Technology 🖥 🎥 - mechanical pieces are timeless that is, no need for software updates! I literally can last your whole lifetime and beyond!

II.Waterproof vs non-waterproof 💦

I chose a waterproof time piece because, well, as a healthcare professional my hands are washed more than I care to mention.

1. Waterproof- albeit not as aesthetic as the non-waterproof options, I guarantee you will spend much less in watch repairs if you get yourself this option when working in a hospital setting.

2. Non-waterproof - you can save this option for when you 'do road' and wanna look 'fancieeee'. 

Now go forth and buy in confidence!

Until next time,


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